Contact Us

Northwest Rod and Gun Club (NWRGC) was founded in 1960 and has been serving as a local conservation and shooting-sports club continuously since then.


Mail a $20 Check and Self Addressed Stamped Envelope (To receive your membership card) to:

508 Stanley St.
Boyceville, WI 54725

NWRGC is the organization charged with operating Dunn County’s Boyceville Rifle Range, a public range located in northern Dunn County. In that regard, our goal is to provide a safe, friendly, functional shooting-sports facility that meets the needs of area shooters. The Boyceville facility includes an archery range with targets from 10-50 yards, two pistol box berms (7 yards and 50’) with six sheltered shooting positions, two trap ranges, a 180 yard rifle range with 16 sheltered shooting positions, and a warming house. All ranges (except trap) are backed by a 150’ hill beyond the berms.

Watch the calendar for various events and scheduled range times, including pistol shoots, muzzle loader shoots, “Sight-in” days, club meetings, Range Supervisor training sessions, and etc.

The range is open only when a certified Range Supervisor is present. We’re always looking for more supervisors, so watch for the next training session! As a certified supervisor, you can open the range any time during daylight hours 6 days/week, and noon-dark on Sundays.